Archive for September, 2010

General Land Office is Saving Texas History

The latest edition of Saving Texas History, an online newsletter, is now available. This issue discusses the meeting of two Texas Legends, Moses Austin and Baron de Bastrop, and how their unlikely partnership resulted in a mass immigration of Anglos from across the United States. The G.L.O. will...

Drilling for Oil and Gas in the Arctic!

Since the Deepwater Horizon oil spill has put a halt on drilling activities in American, Canadian and Norwegian waters, drilling has taken off in Greenland's Arctic Ocean.  Cairn Energy, based in the UK, is the first of many companies to explore Greenland waters for oil. The Arctic waters hold 13 percent...

2011 Revision of ALTA/ACSM Standards

New requirements for ALTA/ACSM land title survey standards have been proposed by a joint committee of the American Land Title Association and the National Society of Professional Surveyors. The first standards were adopted by ACSM and the American Title Association (now ALTA) was in 1962 which was last...

Oil and Gas Search Engine

Geospatial data has been made more accessible to general users, thanks to the launch of, an online search engine for oil and gas wells in the United States. The site was created by Colorado based corporations WhiteStar Corp. and the Timoney Group, and provides basic information...


"I would like to thank Proline Surveying for their great service. From a quick response for a quote, to the work that they performed, my experience was extremely satisfying! One of the few surveyors that I have encountered that completed my topographic survey on time and did what they said they would...

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