Archive for November, 2010

Homes For Under $100,000

commander cialis helpful hints The downturn in the real estate market has presented a unique range of challenges and opportunities.  From the first time home buyer with a stable job, investors in rental properties, and adventurous empty-nesters, today's market offers some fantastic deals.  Consider...

Cool Home Upgrades

In the present market down turn many people are choosing to stay in their current home rather than sell at a depressed price.  But the flip side of every downturn is the opportunity to invest in the assets you already posses.  Many people are turning to innovative and fun home upgrades that can provide...

Dream Home

A big part of the American Dream is owning your own home.  But unlike most, one couples dream transformed from a rather modest project to an expansive vision costing upwards of $6 million dollars.  After 4 architects, several years, court yards, a sculpture garden and a couple of avant-garde tree-houses,...


"I would like to thank Proline Surveying for their great service. From a quick response for a quote, to the work that they performed, my experience was extremely satisfying! One of the few surveyors that I have encountered that completed my topographic survey on time and did what they said they would...

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Proline Surveying, Ltd.
1106 W Abram St
Arlington, Texas, 76013
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