Texas Surveying professionals, Proline land surveyors


When Should You Get A Property Survey?

Surveys typically show the property limits, house, garage, and other key features of a property. This information is especially important when the home owner or a neighbor is going to build any improvements on the property. With a survey you can avoid being sued or worse for having any improvements protruding...

Is It Still a Good Idea to buy a Home?

The National Association of Realtors announced last week that existing-home sales in July had fallen to 25.5 percent from the previous year. Some might also remember the federal tax credit, which ended last summer, that could have artificially inflated home sales numbers. With that tax credit gone and...

7 Home Buying Traps

In this highly volatile market, you must be cautious when looking to purchase a home. While the market maybe depressed, there has never been a better time to buy. Many first-time home buyers are overwhelmed at all the minutiae that comes with taking on a mortgage. In her recent article, Liz Pulliam Weston,...

General Land Office is Saving Texas History

The latest edition of Saving Texas History, an online newsletter, is now available. This issue discusses the meeting of two Texas Legends, Moses Austin and Baron de Bastrop, and how their unlikely partnership resulted in a mass immigration of Anglos from across the United States. The G.L.O. will...

Drilling for Oil and Gas in the Arctic!

Since the Deepwater Horizon oil spill has put a halt on drilling activities in American, Canadian and Norwegian waters, drilling has taken off in Greenland's Arctic Ocean.  Cairn Energy, based in the UK, is the first of many companies to explore Greenland waters for oil. The Arctic waters hold 13 percent...

2011 Revision of ALTA/ACSM Standards

New requirements for ALTA/ACSM land title survey standards have been proposed by a joint committee of the American Land Title Association and the National Society of Professional Surveyors. The first standards were adopted by ACSM and the American Title Association (now ALTA) was in 1962 which was last...

Oil and Gas Search Engine

Geospatial data has been made more accessible to general users, thanks to the launch of www.wellspotmap.com, an online search engine for oil and gas wells in the United States. The site was created by Colorado based corporations WhiteStar Corp. and the Timoney Group, and provides basic information...

Locating a Monument from July 1824

Ever wonder what career lets you use a combination of archaeology, field research, quasi-legal determinations, and the use of mathematics and space technology to locate buried treasure from the 1800's. Well not many careers would offer this kind of a combination of skills to locate buried treasure, but...

3D Survey of Mount Rushmore

An international team organized by CyArk, has completed a two week effort to do a complete 3D scan of the four most famous presidential heads. The project was accomplished with the use of five laser scanners, three different Leica Geosystems laser scanners, the ScanStation 2 for long-range shots, the...

Tyler Fugere Wins 2nd Place National Trig-Star Competition

On July 17, 2010 Flower Mound's Tyler Fugere won second place Award in the National Trig-Star Completion. The TrigStar Contest is an annual nation wide high school mathematics competition sponsored by the National Society of Professional Surveyors based on the practical application of Trigonometry. Way...


"My Neighbor built a new fence that was clearly on my side of the property.  I hired Proline to come out and mark the property corners.  Their professional staff showed me and my neighbor the boundary line and clearly marked the property corners.  I still can't stand my neighbor but I love my surveying...

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  • Best in its class research facility
  • In house courier service
  • Industry leading turnaround times
  • Color Surveys
  • One point of contact
  • Advanced technology
  • Professional Staff

Contact Information

Proline Surveying, Ltd.
1106 W Abram St
Arlington, Texas, 76013
Ph. 817.276.1148
Fax 817.276.1147
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