Texas Surveying professionals, Proline land surveyors


Introducing AutoCAD Freestyle

April 26 2010 was the launch date for AutoDesk's new “AutoCAD Freestyle” program. This is a new easy to use, low cost 2D drawing software program that would be perfect for DIYers, hobbyists, non-CAD employees and specialty contractors. AutoCAD Freestyle is great for creating landscape designs,...

Attend Carlson’s 3rd Annual User Conference

Carlson Software is having a conference in Brown Hotel, Louisville, Kentucky on November 7-10, 2010. The Carlson Software user conference promises to be both educational and timely. Classes will cover all aspects of Carlson's extensive product line. In addition to its traditional classes for Survey,...

Survey Affidavit Of No Change

This is a term that many professional land surveyors know all too well. You might be a first time home owner wondering why you even need to get an updated survey. You might even have a 25 year old survey that you think is still good. One way to inform consumers is by relating individual scenarios or...


“It is a joy to work with you guys.  I love your beautiful color surveys.  Your service is wonderful for me and my clients.  Keep up the great work!  Love you Guys!!”

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Proline Features

  • Best in its class research facility
  • In house courier service
  • Industry leading turnaround times
  • Color Surveys
  • One point of contact
  • Advanced technology
  • Professional Staff

Contact Information

Proline Surveying, Ltd.
1106 W Abram St
Arlington, Texas, 76013
Ph. 817.276.1148
Fax 817.276.1147
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