Definitions of Types of Surveys

TEXAS BOUNDARY SURVEY: Any one or more of the following

  1. The marking of boundaries, the setting of monuments, or the restoration or rehabilitation of any monument marking a corner or line that controls real property.
  2. The determination of the location, on the ground, of any appurtenance which may potentially affect the rights and/or the enjoyment of real property.
  3. The determination of the position of any monument, reference point, or any other mark, when such monument or mark controls the location of boundaries or rights of ownership in real property.
  4. The presentation of any type of survey drawings, maps or plats, and/or reports-of-survey or any other documents as related to land boundary surveying, for the purpose of identifying the location of real property.

TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY: A map of a survey showing all topographic features such as buildings, fences, ect., and usually elevations or contour lines.

A.L.T.A. SURVEY: A survey for the purpose of supplying a title company or lender with data necessary for the issuing of extended title and/or mortgage insurance. This data pertains to physical improvements, encumbrances and any encroachments, observed during this survey. A detailed map is required based on the negotiated scope of services as described in the “Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys.”

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"My Neighbor built a new fence that was clearly on my side of the property.  I hired Proline to come out and mark the property corners.  Their professional staff showed me and my neighbor the boundary line and clearly marked the property corners.  I still can't stand my neighbor but I love my surveying...

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Proline Surveying, Ltd.
1106 W Abram St
Arlington, Texas, 76013
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