Surveyor-Client Relations

As a member of a professional team consisting of Realtors, Attorneys, Title Companies, Surveyors, Architects, and Engineers, the Land Surveyor renders a highly technical and complex service.

In case of controversy, a land surveyor may appear in Court as your expert witness if necessary. No one other than a land surveyor can assume responsibility for the correctness and accuracy of his or her work.

Registered Land Surveyors are the only professionals that show you your boundaries.

A Registered Land Surveyor is duly licensed by law to practice land surveying and holdsĀ the correctness and accuracy of his or her work above all other things.

For more information or a free quote, please contact Proline Surveying.


"Proline Land Survey used the latest equipment and software to accurately determine the elevations on my home. The elevation certificate was completed quickly, thoroughly, and under the supervision of a registered professional land surveyor. I would recommend you to anyone who needs an elevation certificate....

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Proline Features

  • Best in its class research facility
  • In house courier service
  • Industry leading turnaround times
  • Color Surveys
  • One point of contact
  • Advanced technology
  • Professional Staff

Contact Information

Proline Surveying, Ltd.
1106 W Abram St
Arlington, Texas, 76013
Ph. 817.276.1148
Fax 817.276.1147
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